Innovative Mobile Concussion Program at Chipperfield Physiotherapy


Concussions are a common type of traumatic brain injury that can have a significant impact on a person's physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being. Vancouver, known for its active lifestyle and love for sports, has a high incidence of concussion cases. To address this growing concern, Chipperfield Mobile Physiotherapy has developed an innovative concussion program that provides In-Home comprehensive care and support to individuals recovering from concussions. In this article, we will explore the key features of the program, the benefits it offers, and how it is successfully helping patients who are experiencing persistent symptoms of concussions in Vancouver.

Comprehensive Assessment and Treatment

The foundation of Chipperfield Mobile Physiotherapy's concussion management program lies in the comprehensive assessment and treatment provided to each individual. Our highly trained and experienced therapists use evidence-based assessment tools to thoroughly evaluate your symptoms, functional abilities, and cognitive performance. This allows them to tailor a personalized concussion treatment plan that addresses the unique needs of each patient.

Perhaps the best part about our sessions is that you don't need to leave your home. We understand that the challenged of concussion recovery are often overstimulation from the environment around you. With our services, you can remain in a quiet, calm home while receiving therapy. No more overwhelming waiting rooms or fluorescent lighting!

Multidisciplinary Approach

At Chipperfield Mobile Physiotherapy, concussion therapy is approached with a multidisciplinary approach. This means that a team of healthcare professionals, including physiotherapists, Kinesiologists, occupational therapists, registered massage therapists and clinical counsellors, work together to provide comprehensive care for individuals with concussions. This collaborative approach ensures that a wide range of tools are used and all aspects of your recovery are addressed, allowing for a more holistic approach to concussion therapy.

Vestibular Rehabilitation

A common symptom of concussions is dizziness and imbalance, which can greatly impact a person's day-to-day activities. Chipperfield Mobile Physiotherapy's concussion therapy program includes specialized vestibular rehabilitation, which focuses on alleviating these symptoms. The therapists use various exercises and techniques to improve balance, reduce dizziness, and enhance overall equilibrium. By targeting the vestibular system, which plays a crucial role in balance and spatial orientation, the program aims to restore normal function and promote faster recovery.

Cognitive Rehabilitation

Concussions can also lead to cognitive difficulties, such as memory problems, difficulty concentrating, and decreased processing speed. The concussion therapy program at Chipperfield Mobile Physiotherapy incorporates cognitive rehabilitation exercises to help patients regain cognitive function and return to daily activities. These exercises are designed to improve attention, memory, problem-solving skills, and overall cognitive performance. The therapists work closely with the patients to enhance cognitive abilities and provide strategies to manage cognitive challenges in their daily lives.

Vision Therapy

Concussions can often disrupt visual function, leading to symptoms such as blurred vision, sensitivity to light, and difficulty focusing. Vision therapy is an integral part of the concussion therapy program at Chipperfield Mobile Physiotherapy. This specialized therapy aims to improve visual skills, including eye tracking, eye teaming, and focusing abilities. By targeting the underlying visual deficits associated with concussions, vision therapy helps patients regain normal visual function and alleviate visual symptoms.

Manual Therapy

To address musculoskeletal issues resulting from concussions, manual therapy techniques are incorporated into the treatment plan. These techniques include joint mobilizations, soft tissue mobilization, and therapeutic exercises to promote healing, reduce chronic pain, and restore mobility. Manual therapy can be particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing neck and shoulder pain, as these areas are often affected during a concussion.

A Physiotherapist uses manual therapy techniques for a client recovering from a concussion.

Education and Support

In addition to the various therapies and techniques, education and support play a vital role in the concussion therapy program. Patients and their families are educated about the nature of concussions, the recovery process, and strategies to manage symptoms. This knowledge empowers individuals to actively participate in their recovery and make informed decisions about their treatment. Moreover, Chipperfield Mobile Physiotherapy provides ongoing support to patients throughout their concussion therapy journey. The professional and caring team is readily available to answer questions, address concerns, and provide guidance as needed.

Individualized Treatment Plans

Every patient's concussion is unique, and their treatment should reflect that. Chipperfield Mobile Physiotherapy in Vancouver understands the importance of individualized treatment plans for concussion therapy. Their team takes the time to assess each patient's specific needs, symptoms, and goals to create a personalized treatment plan. This plan may include a combination of vestibular and cognitive rehabilitation, as well as other therapies or techniques that are tailored to the individual's condition.

Gradual Return to Activity

As part of concussion therapy in Vancouver, our Kinesiologists emphasize Active Rehab and the importance of a gradual return to activity. This approach helps prevent re-injury or worsening of symptoms. Individuals are guided through a step-by-step process of gradually reintroducing physical activity and cognitive exercises, such as exercise, school or work tasks, and sports. This careful progression allows the brain to adapt and heal while minimizing the risk of setbacks.

Mental Health Support

Concussions can have a significant impact on mental health, as individuals may experience symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and mood swings. Recognizing the importance of mental health support in concussion therapy, our Clinical Counsellors in Vancouver strive to address these concerns.

Our Therapists may incorporate techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help individuals manage their emotions and improve their overall well-being. CBT can assist in changing thought patterns and behaviors that may be contributing to negative emotions or distress. By providing a safe and supportive environment, therapists can help individuals navigate the emotional challenges that often accompany concussions.

Furthermore, our Clinical Counsellors may refer patients to other mental health specialists, such as psychologists or psychiatrists, for additional support. These professionals can provide therapeutic interventions, prescribe medications if necessary, and offer guidance on coping mechanisms to manage the emotional impact of a concussion.


Our Mobile Concussion Therapy Program is comprehensive and personalized, addressing not only the physical symptoms but also the mental health aspects of recovery. By offering individualized treatment plans, focusing on a gradual return to activity, and providing mental health support, our team is dedicated to helping individuals recover from concussions.

If you or someone you know is dealing with a concussion, seeking professional concussion therapy in Vancouver is crucial. It is important to consult with healthcare providers who specialize in concussion management and have experience in the latest treatment techniques.

Remember, every concussion is unique, and the recovery process may vary from person to person. By seeking the appropriate therapy and support, individuals can maximize their chances of a full recovery and return to their daily activities, work, and sports with confidence.

If you suspect that you or someone you know may have a concussion, it is essential to seek immediate medical attention. Professional healthcare providers can properly assess and diagnose concussions and recommend suitable treatment options, potentially including concussion therapy in Vancouver.

We look forward to helping you on your journey to recovery. Call us to book your appointment at 604-828-2610 or click the button below!


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